Speech for My Mother's 80th Birthday

You’ll have to pardon my nerves. The last time I gave a speech to this many people was in 5th grade. It was a speech about Gandhi and I lost my place halfway through. Two minutes of very, very awkward silence. (long pause)

So, of course, when I sat to write this speech it got me thinking about the parallels between Gandhi and my mother. Eerily similar really–Height and weight–Both tan nicely–The stylish retro glasses–And of course, a wardrobe of only the bare essentials.

Some more things you may not know about my mother. She’s reserved. Uncommonly shy. Basically, a hermit all her life. Making friends for her was always a struggle, and yet she makes loose acquaintances with the greatest of ease.

My mother’s first husband, my father, couldn’t be here tonight, but he did write down some things he wanted me pass along. Fortunately, none of them can be repeated with children present. 

But seriously, my mother and I have always had a very special relationship. Beside’s giving me life, she’s been my biggest cheerleader, my confidant, at times, my secretary, and always a tremendous support to me and my family. I love you, we love you, and happy birthday.


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