It's Really All Up For Grabs
What I learned later than some, earlier than others, is that no one has any of the really important things figured out–unless you want to believe there are really no important things at all. Love, purpose, happiness, achievement, spirituality, world-view, duty, virtue, health, wealth–it's all up for grabs. As a younger man I thought there were answers–prevailing wisdom to be sought and adopted, and the sooner I could, the better. But it's a myth–a legend–a tall tale–fool's gold–a sales pitch–a delusion, and we are really left with the hard choice to either live with a harsh truth or cling to a fantasy. There is a certain egotistical comfort in realizing no one has it figured out–but there is also a dread to consider, that no matter how long or hard you try, you are not going to figure it out either. We are on a journey with no destination–a journey that has an infinite number of paths and while there are plenty of maps to buy, none will get you there.
The universe is massive. The multiverse is infinite. We are stuck on a minuscule planet, in the remotest of locations for an infinitesimal period of time, in just three of the eleven or twelve dimensions. We live at a scale where more than 99.9% of everything is unavailable to us. And yet we crave purpose? Huh? Seriously? To believe in our purpose at all is the granddaddy of delusions. And yet we toil and tinker and push and putter, we make promises and suffer disappointment, we feel guilt and shame over our perceived failings, and pride for our perceived accomplishments. And for what? And what's the alternative? Damned if I know. And damned if you know. And so maybe the best we can do is find comfort in each other, trade the fear of purposelessness for the joys of purposelessness. I don't know if the monks have it more right than others–they do seem peaceful and serene, but I feel like there's plenty of time for that in the afterlife, or lack thereof. And I don't know if the devout have it more right than others, because it's so ripe for strife and intolerance and conflict. And I don't know if the seculars have it more right, because it's vulnerable to a rat-race, consumer-centric, selfish, hedonistic existence. Like I said, no really great, clear winners. But I'm always open to ideas! Please put he right answer in the comments below!
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